Terminal Retrospective

Everything I learned making my first comic

Two weeks ago I published my first multi-page comic, Terminal. It took me three months to make it, and I’m proud of what I’ve made. I’ve been reflecting upon the project since finishing it, so I thought I’d share my process and what I learned.

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What I’ve Been Working On: Terminal

Sharing the first page and some information about my first multi-page comic.

2018-01-27 - Terminal - Page 01 WIP.png

Here’s the first page from the comic project that I’ve been working on. It’s called Terminal, and I started it at the beginning of the year. I started with the script and then created the thumbnails. Since then I’ve been working on the full-size pages. It’ll be 9 pages long, and I’ve got 4 of the pages drawn and inked. I’ve begun the process of editing the pages and adding screentone in Clip Studio Paint.

It’s my first multi-page comic, and I’ve truly been enjoying the process of making it. I’ve learned a ton, and I’ll be sure to share that once the project is done. I’m hoping to finish Terminal by the end of March. I’ll upload it here and other places online to read for free once it’s done. I’m interested in printing a few copies for friends and family, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get there!